Essential Oils

As we go about our day diligently serving our various commitments at home, work and in the community, it can create stress, tension, anxiety and fear. It is easy to forget ourselves and what is really important to us under the pressures of commitment and responsibility.

By incorporating essential oils in our daily routine they can help us to stay well, healthy and happy. We should educate ourselves on the safety and efficacy of the individual oils, as well as what oils are best for certain situations and concerns. With the goal of keeping ourselves healthily and happy, using the right essential oils with very simple rituals, can help to lift our spirits, improve our mood and give us a sense of stability and presence.

The introduction of essential oils in our lives can bring a sense of magic and wonder. The power of smell to evoke past memories and instantly take you to a different time can help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety and insomnia to name a few.

I have included a brief description of the essential oils used in our products to give you a little more insight into the benefits of each of them.

For a more in depth study of essential oils I highly recommend reading Aromatherapy and the Mind by Julia Lawless; The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood; Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit by Gabriel Mojay; The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils by Kurt Schnaubeltm Ph.D.

Essential Oils in Our Products

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